绑定矩阵(binding matrix)


  • 类型T为定义了所有特殊成员函数的的类型
  • 表格左侧为形参类型
  • 表格上方为实参expression,及对应的type, value category


Alt text
Parameter Binding in C++


  1. 当传入non-const xvalue构造一个对象时,如果没有定义移动构造函数,则会默认调用拷贝构造函数
  2. 以上表格中默认T类型定义了所有的类特殊成员函数
  3. 所有有名的变量,包括右值引用都是左值,所以不能传递给接收右值引用的入参类型!!
  4. 所有引用都是有名称的左值
  5. 函数调用参数传递分两步:
    1. 形参要通过binding绑定实参
    2. 无论函数形参是哪种类型,在函数内部,形参都被作为左值使用,如果要保留形参类型,必须使用std::forward转发


#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

struct Example {
  // constructor
  Example() { std::cout << "Example constructor" << std::endl; }
  // destructor
  ~Example() { std::cout << "Example destructor" << std::endl; }
  // copy constructor
  Example(const Example &e) {
    std::cout << "Example copy constructor" << std::endl;
  // copy assignment operator
  Example &operator=(const Example &e) {
    std::cout << "Example copy assignment operator" << std::endl;
    return *this;
  // move constructor
  Example(Example &&e) { std::cout << "Example move constructor" << std::endl; }
  // move assignment operator
  Example &operator=(Example &&e) {
    std::cout << "Example move assignment operator" << std::endl;
    return *this;

// write a function, that takes a parameter by value
void func(Example e) { std::cout << "func" << std::endl; }
// write a function, that takes a parameter by lvalue reference
void func_lref(Example &e) {
  std::cout << "func lvalue reference" << std::endl;
// write a function, that takes a parameter by rvalue reference
void func_rref(Example &&e) {
  std::cout << "func rvalue reference" << std::endl;
// function that takes a const value
void func_const(const Example e) { std::cout << "func const" << std::endl; }
// function that takes a const lvalue reference
void func_const_lref(const Example &e) {
  std::cout << "func const lvalue reference" << std::endl;
// function that takes a const rvalue reference
void func_const_rref(const Example &&e) {
  std::cout << "func const rvalue reference" << std::endl;

// test func, to pass various types of objects into it
void test_func() {
  Example e;
  Example &e_ref = e;
  func(e);         // lvalue
  func(Example()); // rvalue
  func(e_ref);     // lvalue reference
  Example &&e_rref = Example();
  func(e_rref); // rvalue reference
  const Example e_const;
  func(e_const);                               // const lvalue
  func(static_cast<const Example>(Example())); // const rvalue
  const Example &e_const_ref = e;
  func(e_const_ref); // const lvalue reference
  const Example &&e_const_rref = Example();
  func(e_const_rref); // const rvalue reference

// test func_lref, to pass various types of objects into it
void test_func_lref() {
  Example e;
  Example &e_ref = e;
  func_lref(e); // lvalue
  // func_lref(Example()); // rvalue
  func_lref(e_ref); // lvalue reference
  Example &&e_rref = Example();
  func_lref(e_rref); // rvalue reference
  const Example e_const;
  // func_lref(e_const);                               // const lvalue
  // func_lref(static_cast<const Example>(Example())); // const rvalue
  const Example &e_const_ref = e;
  // func_lref(e_const_ref); // const lvalue reference
  const Example &&e_const_rref = Example();
  // func_lref(e_const_rref); // const rvalue reference

// test func_rref, to pass various types of objects into it
void test_func_rref() {
  Example e;
  Example &e_ref = e;
  // func_rref(e);         // lvalue
  func_rref(Example()); // rvalue
  // func_rref(e_ref);     // lvalue reference
  Example &&e_rref = Example();
  /// !! WARN: every named variable is lvalue, so it can't be passed to rvalue
  /// reference
  // func_rref(e_rref); // rvalue reference
  const Example e_const;
  // func_rref(e_const);                               // const lvalue
  // func_rref(static_cast<const Example>(Example())); // const rvalue
  const Example &e_const_ref = e;
  // func_rref(e_const_ref); // const lvalue reference
  const Example &&e_const_rref = Example();
  // func_rref(e_const_rref); // const rvalue reference

// test func_const, to pass various types of objects into it
void test_func_const() {
  Example e;
  Example &e_ref = e;
  func_const(e);         // lvalue
  func_const(Example()); // rvalue
  func_const(e_ref);     // lvalue reference
  Example &&e_rref = Example();
  func_const(e_rref); // rvalue reference
  const Example e_const;
  func_const(e_const);                               // const lvalue
  func_const(static_cast<const Example>(Example())); // const rvalue
  const Example &e_const_ref = e;
  func_const(e_const_ref); // const lvalue reference
  const Example &&e_const_rref = Example();
  func_const(e_const_rref); // const rvalue reference

// test func_const_lref, to pass various types of objects into it
void test_func_const_lref() {
  Example e;
  Example &e_ref = e;
  func_const_lref(e);         // lvalue
  func_const_lref(Example()); // rvalue
  func_const_lref(e_ref);     // lvalue reference
  Example &&e_rref = Example();
  func_const_lref(e_rref); // rvalue reference
  const Example e_const;
  func_const_lref(e_const);                               // const lvalue
  func_const_lref(static_cast<const Example>(Example())); // const rvalue
  const Example &e_const_ref = e;
  func_const_lref(e_const_ref); // const lvalue reference
  const Example &&e_const_rref = Example();
  func_const_lref(e_const_rref); // const rvalue reference

// test func_const_rref, to pass various types of objects into it
void test_func_const_rref() {
  Example e;
  Example &e_ref = e;
  // func_const_rref(e); // lvalue
  func_const_rref(Example()); // rvalue
  // func_const_rref(e_ref); // lvalue reference
  Example &&e_rref = Example();
  // func_const_rref(e_rref); // rvalue reference
  const Example e_const;
  // func_const_rref(e_const);                               // const lvalue
  func_const_rref(static_cast<const Example>(Example())); // const rvalue
  const Example &e_const_ref = e;
  // func_const_rref(e_const_ref); // const lvalue reference
  const Example &&e_const_rref = Example();
  // func_const_rref(e_const_rref); // const rvalue reference

int main() {
  return 0;