AUTOSAR service model: a big picture
The design phase of AUTOSAR communication management can be generalized as following steps: First, a methodology is chosen. According to the methodology, standards and protocols are designed, specifying detailed behavior. AUTOSAR vendors and open source organizations implement these standards and protocol.
AUTOSAR Service Model is based on SOA(service-oriented architecture). According to this service model, AUTOSAR designs the user level API, aka the ara::com::API and the low level communication protocol SOME/IP. ara::com::API and SOME/IP both inherit concept from AUTOSAR service model, so they both have similar concept like service,event, method, etc, even though the meaning of these names varies in its own context. ara::com API can be implemented on other communication protocols, like DDS, instead of SOME/IP. (Interestingly, DDS is not service-oriented.).
These steps can be illustrated in the following diagram:
AUTOSAR Service Model |
The soul of the software is the AUTOSAR service model, which defines service description:
- A service is interface between service provider and service consumer(SOA)
- AUTOSAR service consists of one or more of following elements:
- events
- methods
- fields
ara::com API and SOME/IP both contain these concepts, but they describe them in different levels:
- SOME/IP is low level communication oriented protocol. It emphasize the transportation of data. It doesn’t care about method calls, event handling. It’s job is to compose corresponding messages and deliver them to desired target.
- ara::com API is high level user oriented standards. It focus on the user side and give detailed requirement on behavior of these concepts. For example, ara::com API defines fixed class, method signature and data structures to unify the behavior in the eye of the user. ara::com API defines how service provider implement their method logic, how consumer implement their event handler. ara::com API also specifies the execution mechanism, polling or event-driven, for method and event handling. Except for events, methods, fields, ara::com API extends another element: triggers, which does not appear in AUTOSAR service model and SOME/IP.
Implementation details can be very different for SOME/IP, as long as the implementation adhere to the message format. Implemetentations for ara::com API must use the standard code specified by AUTOSAR, so user does not need to care about the underlying details. The underlying implementation for the ara::com API is called binding, and the underlying protocol used for communication is called driver or communication driver. ara::com API can use SOME/IP as driver, which is the AUTOSAR standard. Besides SOME/IP, the ara::com API can also be bound to DDS, whose binding requirement are included in standard.