It has been a long time since I want to summarize the usage of CMake and give a best practice for using it. Recently I have time to read the book: Professional CMake: A Practical Guide, and it’s time to do this. CMake is complex and easy at the same time: it’s complex because what it tries to solve is complex; it’s easy because once we know how to use it and familiar with the best practice, it’s basically repitition afterwards. So the key here is to have a model for repetition, which I try to give here.

All code can be found at repo: best_practice_lib.

For easy understanding of the repo, the project composition is like following:

alt text

After build and installation, the package looks like following:

install git:(main) tree                                     //<install folder>
├── bin                                                        //executables folder
│   ├── computer -> computer-1.0.0
│   └── computer-1.0.0
├── include                                                    // header files folder
│   ├── caculator
│   │   └── caculator.h
│   ├── divide
│   │   └── divide.h
│   ├── json.hpp
│   └── multi
│       └── multi.h
└── lib
    ├── cmake                                                   // folder for cmake scripts
    │   └── bp
    │       ├── bpConfig.cmake                                  // package level cmake
    │       ├── bpConfigVersion.cmake                           // package level version cmake(package only)
    │       ├── Caculator                                       // Caculator component
    │       │   ├── CaculatorConfig.cmake
    │       │   └── CaculatorConfig-noconfig.cmake
    │       ├── Computer                                        // Computer component
    │       │   ├── ComputerConfig.cmake
    │       │   └── ComputerConfig-noconfig.cmake
    │       ├── Json                                            // Json component
    │       │   └── JsonConfig.cmake
    │       └── Math                                            // Math component
    │           ├── MathConfig.cmake
    │           └── MathConfig-noconfig.cmake
    ├── ->                    // libraries in unix version format  
    ├── ->
    ├── ->
    ├── ->
    ├── ->
    ├── ->

Consumers can use above package and components and specify versions like:

find_package(bp 2.1.0 EXACT COMPONENTS Caculator)

Examples can be found at: best_practice_client

What really matters:

  • All target dependencies are managed automatically. For example when client use Math::Caculator component, it’s dependency Math::divide, Math::multi, and their dependencies nlomann::json and foonathan_memory will be automatically discovered. If the dependencies are not met, error will happen during configuration time and give proper messsages.
  • Support QUIET option for package

Detailed usage and their nationale are given inside the repo as comments. The repo will be continously updated in the future, such as ctest, cpack will be added.